Monday, February 4, 2013

Magazine Tips

Instead, ask the designer to print out all the alternates as hard copy, trim them accurately to magazine size and glue them onto old issues, so you can see them as close to the real thing as possible. Now, toss them on a tabletop, so they flop around and overlap like real magazines do.

No matter what you put on the cover, keep the six functions of covers in mind:
Emotionally irresistible
Worth the investment of money and time

reasons not to judge your cover on-screen:
The screen is the wrong size, no matter how big it is. You can’t see it intimately as if it were in your hands.
-It glows in vivid colors that will inevitably turn disappointingly dull when printed in ink. A hard-copy printout may be closer.

If the cover pops out from its background, don’t weaken it by fussing with it. You’ve probably done something courageous, and deserve congratulations. Leave well enough alone.

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