Monday, October 22, 2012

All the background is mainly white so you really
focus on paul and the equation he's doing up on the board.

Rule of Thirds
Sergio is to the left of the photo so that makes it the rule
of thirds.

The metal attached to the chairs forms lines.

the wallpaper above and the 2 kids frame that asian kid in the 
center of the picture.

This picture is an example of balance because
the background and everything balances the photo

Avoiding Mergers
This picture is an example of avoiding mergers because 
the kid to the right's body is caught off.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Filling the Frame

This colors in this picture are very balanced and warming.
The girls are doing a science project, and a chemical reaction
has occurred and it makes the photo look really cool with the
specs or water in the air. This is a really good shot.
This photo defiantly captures the eye.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Action or Emotion

This picture shows a lot of emotion simple by the facial expressions
and hand gestures. This is a goofy picture & everyone is smiling
having a good time. This picture looks like it was just taken for a class 
or something, and it came out very well.

The Story

This picture tells the best story to me because it
seems like something has brought all of these people
together. Something or someone united all of
those kids, making this picture look empowering.
This picture reminds me of those movies where those 
teachers help struggling students become better people,maybe
the story behind this picture is something like that.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

40 most powerful photos

Rich Lam

I chose this picture because the lighting caught my 
attention. My other main focus on the picture is the
couple kissing, i find this picture really cute. I dislike
the man that is in the shot because he is in the way.
but this shot is movie perfect.

Yuniko Nakao

I chose this picture because i am an animal lover and 
i find this picture sad. i think that this picture 
includes avoiding mergers, because the persons body is
cut out of the picture but it helps focus the shot on whats 

Aaron Thompson

This Photo caught my attention because it focuses really
well and its shot at a very good angle. You can see theres 
a lot of emotion and a story behind this picture.

Great Black & White photos part 2

Carleton Watkins was born on November 11, 1829 in New York, but later migrated to California during the gold rush. 
found international fame for his award winning photographs of Yosemite, San Francisco, the Pacific coast and subjects throughout the western states. best known for his mammoth plate photographs. 
In late 1854 Watkins met photographer Robert Vance who had a gallery. Watkins began working for Vance and it was here that he learned the photographic techniques and processes that he would perfect during his career. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

9/11 Avoiding Mergers

Avoiding Mergers

This photo is an example of "Avoiding Mergers" 
because in this photo it cuts people out of the shot,
so basically half of their body is in the picture which
is not good.

9/11 Frame


This picture is an example of "Framing"
because the 2 buildings on the left and the right
frame the building in the middle, focussing the
picture on that building.

9/11 Balance


This shot is an example of "Balance" Because
everything in the photo is balanced.

9/11 Lines


This shot is an example of "lines" because the
building is angled focussing the picture on it.

9/11 Rule of thirds

Rule of Thirds

This picture is an example of "Rule of thirds"
because the focus is the statue but it is not in the
middle, it is on one side of the photo and the 
lights to the right lead over to the statue.